Sony India on Monday launched a new in-car AV receiver XAV-AX5000 in the country. The key features of the latest member of Sony's car audio lineup include a 6.95-inch capacitive touchscreen, enhanced smartphone integration, upgraded usability, and upgraded sound quality. Additionally, the XAV-AX5000 can be connected to a smartphone via both Android Auto and Apple CarPlay. It enables users to get directions in real time without ever taking their hands off the wheel. Also, Sony has designed the new in-dash receiver to save space. The XAV-AX5000 has been priced at Rs. 24,990 and it is available for purchase in a Black option from car accessories shops and car showrooms across India.
The Sony XAV-AX5000 in-car AV receiver was first introduced earlier this year at CES 2018. As mentioned, the key highlight of the device is the 6.95-inch capacitive touchscreen. Users will be able to navigate through maps, sort playlists, and make phone calls with the XAV-AX5000. As we mentioned, the AV receiver supports Android Auto, making it easier for Android smartphone users to get directions in real time, a search of nearby stopovers, and voice actions. It automatically brings useful information organized into simple cards that appear when needed, for directions, music, messaging and more.
Also as we mentioned, the Sony XAV-AX5000 is also compatible with Apple CarPlay, but unfortunately, iPhone users won't be able to access Apple Maps via Apple CarPlay in India yet. Sony says the CarPlay integrates iPhone with the car audio's display and controls. Users can make phone calls, access their music, send and receive messages, and more.
The new AV receiver comes with a 'quick wake up' design, that is claimed to be more than double the speed for activation when compared with other products. Sony says XAV-AX5000 is ready to "hit the road soon after ignition is turned on. The company says, "The rear chassis is designed with single-DIN dimensions that give enough room to store connected cable harnesses, steering wheel control adopter, and more." Meanwhile, the Sony XAV-AX5000 is 'Rear Camera Ready', automatically showing the camera's feed on that big screen when a user shifts into reverse.
Coming to the sound quality, the Sony XAV-AX5000 comes with Extra Bass Circuitry that claims to overcome engine noise to produce a clearer sound. It incorporates 2-mode boost steps that allow for both delicate and heavy boost settings. A built-in 4-channel amplifier delivers 55 watts x 4 (maximum at 4 ohms) output power with DRA2 (Dynamic Reality Amp 2) power IC.
The Sony XAV-AX5000 also features a DSO (Dynamic Stage Organiser). The 10-band equaliser (EQ10) with 10 pre-sets provides easy and effective frequency adjustment for various listening environments, the company claims. The device also supports Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC) Audio File Compatibility (via USB terminal only) which is an audio format similar to MP3, but with the difference that it compresses without any loss in quality. Additionally, the AV receiver comes with dual-USB ports. And, for expandability, the 3 pre-out connectivity builds a full acoustic system including a subwoofer, a mono amplifier, and 4-channel amplifier.
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