Google on Monday released the November edition of its monthly Android security update, with new builds available for Nexus and Pixel devices. The update in its list of security improvements for all compatible Google devices includes patches for the WPA2 KRACK vulnerabilities. It also brings patches for some of the display complaints users have reported for the Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL, but fails to address the blue tint issue. The November Android security update is rolling out as an over-the-air (OTA) update, as well as in the form of factory images and full OTA zip files.
One of the most noticeable changes the November Android update brings for Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL users is the new Saturated colour mode that defaults the screen saturation. Previously, the Pixel 2 series had a Vivid Colours toggle that has now been replaced with a Colours menu option that allows you to switch between three options - Natural, Saturated, and the default Boosted option. There are also some UI changes that are designed to extend the life of the OLED display of the new Pixel smartphones. These changes include a fade out of the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen and an update to maximum brightness, both to protect from OLED display burn-in issues and to extend longevity.
"Since all OLED displays experience some degree of decay over time, we'll continue to make enhancements which maximise the life of your Pixel screen," a Google Community Manager writes in a forums post.
Alongside the visible changes, the new Android update includes a fix for the faint clicking noise that has been reported on some Pixel 2 units. There are also some other bug fixes and security improvements for the latest Google handsets.
For Google Nexus and Pixel device family as a whole, the November security update brings two patch levels. While the November 1 patch has addressed 11 security issues, the November 5 has fixed additional 11 issues, and the November 6 pack has resolved nine other issues. Notably, the update also includes fixes for the KRACK WPA2 Wi-Fi vulnerabilities that has affected a large number of mobile devices. Moreover, the November update package has 53 additional fixes that are designed for Nexus and Pixel devices.
You can download the factory images and OTA zip files for the Pixel, Pixel XL, Pixel 2, Pixel 2 XL, Pixel C, Nexus 6P, Nexus 5X, and Nexus Player. If you don't want to follow the manual process to install the new update, you can wait for the OTA update that would be rolled out in the coming days.
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