Qualcomm on Wednesday launched the Snapdragon 600E and Snapdragon 410E processors for embedded computing and Internet of Things (IoT) related applications. The company says the new processors can be utilised in a number of devices including digital signage, set-top boxes, medical imaging, point of sale systems, industrial robotics, and other IoT-related applications.
The chipmaker confirms that the Snapdragon 600E and 410E will be made available globally by third party distributors, initially through Arrow Electronics. Both the new Snapdragon 600E and 410E processors have been built from the foundation of the Snapdragon 600 and 410 processors. The company believes that being the first Snapdragon processors that will be available by distributors will make them "accessible in a variety of quantities to manufacturers of all sizes for embedded computing and IoT products."
For specifications, the Snapdragon 600E features a 1.5GHz quad-core Qualcomm Krait 300 coupled with Qualcomm Adreno 320 GPU and Qualcomm Hexagon DSP which is said to be the "ideal processor" for advanced systems with 3D graphics. It supports integrated Bluetooth 4.0/LE (and 3.x), Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, and GPS. It also supports expandable storage depending on a variety of use cases such as SATA, SD3.0, DDR memory, and eMMC storage among others.
The Snapdragon 410E features a 1.2GHz quad-core CPU coupled with an Adreno 306 GPU and Hexagon DSP. It supports Bluetooth 4.1/LE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, and GPS.
Commenting on the launch, Raj Talluri, Senior Vice President, Product Management, Qualcomm Technologies said, "Snapdragon is a powerful and versatile processor with many potential applications in a wide variety of IoT applications and we can now offer this technology to a much wider range of customers with the additional benefit of long-term support and availability. The Snapdragon 600E and 410E bring together some of our best connectivity and compute technologies to meet the needs for a large range of embedded and IoT applications."
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