Up until now, WhatsApp only allowed its users to set a common custom wallpaper for all it chats, this changes now. With a new software update, you can now set a custom wallpaper for each of your chats individually. That's not all, the Facebook-owned messaging platform has also introduced a bunch of new bright and dark wallpapers. In this article, we tell you how to set a custom wallpaper for a specific chat on WhatsApp.
Before you go ahead, make sure that you have updated to the latest version of WhatsApp from the App Store. Now, follow these steps to set a custom wallpaper for a specific chat.
To set a custom wallpaper for a WhatsApp chat on Android, follow these steps.
Just so you know, setting a common wallpaper for all the chats doesn't affect the custom wallpaper that you set for specific chats.
Do note that the new update carrying this feature is still being rolled out in phases, so if you still haven't received it yet; don't worry, you'll get it soon.
This is how you can set a custom wallpaper for each of your chats in WhatsApp.
For more tutorials, visit our How to section.
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