Moon Knight is a new globetrotting action-adventure series featuring a complex vigilante (Oscar Isaac) who suffers from dissociative identity disorder. The multiple identities who live inside him find themselves thrust into a deadly war of the gods against the backdrop of modern and ancient Egypt.
Moon Knight Web Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings
Moon Knight — premiering Wednesday on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar — is a markedly different take on the mentally-troubled character than what comic fans are familiar with. For one, Moon Knight's anti-hero traits are stressed upon more on the Marvel series. Moon Knight is not quite Batman but with dissociative identity disorder, as the character has oft been described. It's more what if the Punisher meets Wolverine meets DID. In the comics, Moon Knight's Batman comparisons stemmed from the fact that they both had no supernatural abilities — like Bruce Wayne, Marc Spector relied on gadgets, combat skills, and physical training. But on the new Marvel series, Moon Knight draws super-strength and super-healing from his link to the Egyptian moon god Khonshu.