The Avengers' two leading lights, Captain America (Chris Evans) and Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), are pitted against each other as politics takes over. As the other Avengers get involved and choose their parties — pro or against the government — it leads to a civil war amongst Earth's best.
Captain America: Civil War Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
There's absolutely no doubt that Marvel has the biggest cinematic universe in the world today. Everything that Marvel has thrown at the big screen, ever since Iron Man, has struck gold and the reviews have been largely positive. It's reached a point where Marvel can make movies on the most obscure of characters - the C listers in its comic roster such as Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy - and still have the audience flocking to the cinemas. It's not going to be any different for its latest offering - Captain America: Civil War. But that doesn't mean it's any good.
1. | Siberian Overture | Henry Jackman | 2:57 | |
2. | Lagos | Henry Jackman | 2:11 | |
3. | Consequences | Henry Jackman | 2:22 | |
4. | Ancestral Call | Henry Jackman | 2:37 | |
5. | Zemo | Henry Jackman | 3:09 | |
6. | The Tunnel | Henry Jackman | 3:52 | |
7. | Celestial Bodies | Henry Jackman | 1:45 | |
8. | Boot Up | Henry Jackman | 5:17 | |
9. | A New Recruit | Henry Jackman | 1:47 | |
10. | Stepping Up | Henry Jackman | 1:59 | |
11. | Standoff | Henry Jackman | 4:01 | |
12. | Civil War | Henry Jackman | 4:26 | |
13. | Larger Than Life | Henry Jackman | 3:41 | |
14. | Catastrophe | Henry Jackman | 2:36 | |
15. | Revealed | Henry Jackman | 5:38 | |
16. | Fracture | Henry Jackman | 00:00 | |
17. | Clash | Henry Jackman | 3:55 | |
18. | Closure | Henry Jackman | 5:33 | |
19. | Cap's Promise | Henry Jackman | 3:46 | |
20. | Adagio (Bonus Track) | Henry Jackman | 2:19 |