WhatsApp last week reportedly started testing 'Mark as Read' and 'Mute' buttons to make it easier for users to take actions on new WhatsApp messages directly from their notifications. Now, the Facebook-backed instant messaging app has rolled out the Mute button for all users having the latest WhatsApp beta version on their Android devices. The button emerges on the message notification once you receive more than 51 messages from one contact. Separately, WhatsApp has been reported to have added a sticker preview to start testing stickers on its platform. Stickers on WhatsApp were notably announced at Facebook's F8 developer conference back in May to counter messaging apps such as WeChat and Skype that both are offering stickers for a long time.
As its name suggests, the Mute button lets users easily mute messages from a contact that has sent you a large number of messages - more than 51 messages to be precise - without accessing WhatsApp. It sits against the existing 'Reply To' button in the notification panel.
WABetaInfo reported that the Mute button is a part of WhatsApp beta version 2.18.216. However, we confirmed that the button exists on newer beta versions as well since we spotted its presence on the WhatsApp beta version 2.18.218. The latest beta version is presently available for download through the Google Play beta programme or in an APK file form via APK Mirror.
While the Mute button is now live for everyone using the latest WhatsApp beta version on their Android devices, the Mark as Read button that was spotted alongside the Mute button last week hasn't been released even for beta testers. WABetaInfo folks claimed that the Mark as Read button allows users to mark a message as read directly from the notification panel, without opening the particular chat in WhatsApp.
Alongside the Mute button rollout, WhatsApp is in the news for bringing a sticker preview. Folks at WABetaInfo report that the latest development is a part of the WhatsApp beta version 2.18.218, though stickers will be available publicly sometime in the future. It is also stated that the arrival of an updated sticker pack within the WhatsApp Sticker Store will be highlighted with a green dot on the plus '+' button. Furthermore, there will reportedly be an 'Update' button to let users update a particular sticker pack with a single tap.
The tweet posted by WABetaInfo shows two sticker packs, namely Bibimbap Friends and Unchi & Rollie. Both are at least likely to be a part of the initial debut. WhatsApp could also bring stickers directly from Facebook Messenger. Of course, the parent company of both the apps is the same.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg at his F8 keynote in May already confirmed the arrival of stickers on WhatsApp. An official blog post by Facebook additionally specified that third-party stickers created by developers will also be a part of the sticker portfolio to enhance the experience.
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