Snapchat has partnered with Spotify to introduce new features for the fans of the Indian Premier League (IPL). The photo-sharing platform has added a new Dynamic Cricket AR Lens that lets users create their own IPL match reactions in real-time. It allows users to add match scores and key match moments into the lens. It works just like any other Snapchat Lens and users can add music to the Dynamic Cricket AR Lens with the integration of Spotify.
The company announced the release of new IPL themed, Spotify-driven Dynamic Cricket AR Lens via a press release. With the latest functionality, Snapchatters can create their own IPL match reactions comprising match scores and key match moments. The boundaries and wickets will be displayed with celebratory effects with music. Users can add music and augmented reality (AR) effects to the match moments. The API-powered Dynamic Cricket AR Lens will be live on Snap during the match duration. It opens in the selfie view showing the match score in real-time.
The social media platform launched several AR experiences this year that allows users to share interactive content on Snapchat. It recently rolled out ASL Alphabet Lens in partnership with SignAll to expand the American Sign Language (ASL) learning experience. The feature teaches users to fingerspell names with individual letters through the lens, along with practising the ASL alphabet and playing games to put new skills to the test.
In April, the company had rolled out a new feature to let users share videos directly from the YouTube app. It is aimed to ease sharing of YouTube videos on the platform, without requiring users to manually copy and paste video links within the content. YouTube videos can directly be added to Stories and individual Snaps through the Snapchat Camera. Snapchat is also introducing a set of new parental controls intended to protect users between the ages of 13 and 17 on the app.
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