nstagram has now started reducing the spread of posts that are vaguely inappropriate but do not go against the community guidelines. In a bid to combat false news spread, Messenger also has added a Verified Badge, Messaging Settings and an updated Block feature for greater control. All of these changes were announced alongside a slew of other changes to the main Facebook app to prevent spread of misinformation, harmful information, and hate speech as well.
On Instagram, Facebook is looking to demote posts that are sexually suggestive, inappropriate, or graphic, but are within the guidelines. As these inappropriate topics are rather broad in nature, they often fall beyond the Instagram Community Guidelines, and are prevented from getting blocked or removed from the social app. To combat this loophole, Facebook says that Instagram will limit the spread of such inappropriate posts that often fall in the ‘grey area'. The social app will limit these posts from being recommended on its Explore and hashtag pages.
“For example, a sexually suggestive post will still appear in Feed if you follow the account that posts it, but this type of content may not appear for the broader community in Explore or hashtag pages,” the company explains in its blog post.
On Messenger, Facebook has started rolling out the Verified Badge feature globally. Facebook already has the Verified account feature, and it is now trickling down to Messenger as well. A new feature called Messaging Settings has also been introduced allowing users to gain more control on what to share with their contacts. The Block feature has also been updated to make it easier to block and avoid unwanted contact.
The company also expanded its fact-checking program with outside expert sources, including The Associated Press, to vet videos and other material posted on Facebo
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