Aloy from 'Horizon Zero Dawn' is a clever and resourceful protagonist, who inhabits a dangerous world that she has to not only tame, but also deeply understand.
The newest incarnation of Lara Craft gives her a lot more character growth and development with her being a clearly flawed character who is trying to achieve greatness.
'The Last of Us 2' puts us in the shoes of Ellie and gives us a world that is constantly challenging her to understand what it means to be self-sufficient and alone.
'Celeste' is about overcoming anxiety and doubt as well as dealing with existential crisis. The protagonist Madeline is a complex character who grows through her journey.
The 'Unchartered' series is home to swashbuckling Nathan Drake who takes a backseat to fan-favourite Chloe in this game. Chloe actually has a relatable character arc.