The Legend of Zelda:
The Wind Waker
YouTube/NintendoBatman Arkham Asylum
Superhero video games have historically not done well, and people had the same expectation for Arkham Asylum. However, just like the comic, the game was a true masterpiece.7
YouTube/Batman ArkhamPORTAL
What started off as just a mod for another very successful game6
Its not every year that an indie game wins game of the year from several publishers. UNDERTALE is the perfect blend of fun gameplay and self-referential humour .5
YouTube/UNDERTALEKingdom Hearts
Final Fantasy and Disney Characters together? Everybody thought this was a weird joke being pulled by Square Enix. But Kingdom Hearts is a spectacular game with a heart-warming story.4
YouTube/PlayStationSpec Ops: The Line
In 2012, all we needed was another militaristic shooter where the Americans save everyone. That's what Spec Ops: The Line would want you to believe, and boy does it turn that expectation on its head!3
YouTube/2KShadow of Mordor
It's a risk making a game on something that already has a huge fan following. Shadow of Mordor however proved that good gameplay is still the king.2
YouTube/Shadow of MordorMinecraft
Who would have thought that the blotty textures of Minecraft would create such a huge following? Well, all you do is mine and craft, and yet it is so addictive.1
YouTube/MinecraftFor more stories