If you’re on the hunt for a new smartwatch, and have a budget of Rs. 5,000, look no further. Here, we list smartwatches priced under Rs. 5,000 that are currently available to buy in India. The models are arranged as per recency of launch, with the newest model on top. We also mention the key specifications of each model alongside, including such details as the colour of the strap, the size of the display, which operating systems the smartwatch is compatible with, and who it is meant for (men, women, unisex).
With each smartwatch, you will also find a link to its full specifications, as well as a link that lists other smartwatches by the same manufacturer. In case you did not find what you were looking for, you can check out our other helpful smartwatch pages, such as Smartwatches Under Rs. 3,000, Smartwatches Under Rs. 10,000, Smartwatches Under Rs. 20,000, Smartwatches Under Rs. 25,000, Smartwatch Finder tool, and the Compare Smartwatches tool.
Smartwatches Under 5000 In India | Price in India |
CMF Watch Pro | Rs. 3,499 |
Realme Watch 3 | Rs. 3,499 |
Redmi Watch 5 Lite | Rs. 3,399 |
Huawei Band 8 | Rs. 3,499 |
Fire-Boltt Oracle | Rs. 4,199 |
Honor Choice Watch | Rs. 4,999 |
Noise ColorFit Pro 5 | Rs. 3,499 |
Noise ColorFit Pro 5 Max | Rs. 4,451 |
NoiseFit Javelin | Rs. 3,999 |
boAt Lunar Oasis | Rs. 3,299 |
Smartwatches Under 3000 |
Smartwatches Under 10000 |
Smartwatches Under 20000 |
Smartwatches Under 25000 |