At present, Apple Watch's compatibility is limited to the iPhone and other Apple devices but that could soon change, according to claims on social media by a tipster. Xiaomi is said to be testing the waters for developing software and hardware compatibility with Apple devices, potentially making it the first company to support them outside of the Cupertino-based tech giant's walled garden. This move is speculated to be in line with Xiaomi's recent ambitions of enhancing the interoperability between its systems and Apple devices for easy file transfer.
In a post on the Chinese social media platform Weibo (via Android Authority), tipster Digital Chat Station (translated from Chinese) claimed that Xiaomi is “investigating” potential compatibility with the Apple Watch. Additionally, it is also said to be testing the waters for connectivity with AirPods and the HomePod.
Among the aforementioned devices, the Apple Watch and HomePod are completely incompatible with Android devices. Although AirPods can be connected to smartphones outside the Apple ecosystem, its features are severely limited. Siri, ear detection, and the double-tap function are unavailable when used with Android.
It remains unclear what the result of Xiaomi's purported compatibility with the Apple Watch will be. Android Authority speculates it may develop a standalone app for connecting to Apple devices, with health and fitness data integration, and notifications mirroring being some of the potential features.
In recent weeks, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have taken strides when it comes to improving the compatibility between their handsets and Apple devices. Xiaomi's latest HyperOS 2 introduces Interconnectivity Services which Apple users can take advantage of to access files, photos and other content on Xiaomi devices. They can also mirror their phone's screen on a Mac.
Additionally, OnePlus and Oppo have also rolled out easy iPhone file transfer features with their latest flagship handsets.
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