Samsung Galaxy Watch has been officially launched in India. The smartwatch, which was unveiled alongside the Galaxy Note 9 at an event in New York last month, comes as the successor to the Gear S3. It features a circular display that is protected by a Corning Gorilla Glass DX panel and has water resistance with 5 ATM rating. Similar to the Gear S3, the Galaxy Watch runs Tizen OS along with a rotating bezel UI and an Always On Display experience. Samsung has provided analogue watch ticks and hourly chimes to give the feel of a traditional watch. Further, there is a depth effect that casts shadows to define the detail on the available watch face. The Galaxy Watch also has heart rate monitoring through a built-in sensor and offers a dedicated stress management tracker.
The Samsung Galaxy Watch price in India has been set at Rs. 24,990 for the 42mm version, while the 46mm variant comes at Rs. 29,990. It will be available for purchase starting mid-October through all authorised retail channels in the country. Notably, both Galaxy Watch variants are the Bluetooth-only models. The company hasn't revealed any details about the LTE version of the Galaxy Watch in the country.
The 46mm variant of the Samsung Galaxy Watch is available in a Silver colour option along with a contrasting Matte Black bezel, while the 42mm variant comes in Midnight Black and Rose Gold colour options.
Countering the Apple Watch range, the Samsung Galaxy Watch has a dust- and water-resistant build. Also, it is MIL-STD-810G certified for durability. The smartwatch has a stress management tracker that is touted to detect high-stress levels and offers breathing exercises. Additionally, Samsung has provided a sleep tracker that is claimed to monitor all levels of sleep, including REM cycles, to help users adjust their sleeping habits.
There are as many as 39 workout profiles that the Galaxy Watch tracks, including 21 new indoor exercises. The watch can also help users with better calorie management when connected with the Samsung Health app.
Running on Tizen OS 4.0, the Samsung Galaxy Watch features a Circular Super AMOLED panel along with Always On Display and Corning Gorilla Glass DX protection. Under the hood, there is a dual-core Exynos 9110 SoC, coupled with 768MB of RAM and 4GB of onboard storage. Onboard sensors include an accelerometer, ambient light sensor, barometer, gyro, and HRM.
In terms of connectivity, the Samsung Galaxy Watch has Bluetooth v4.2, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, NFC, A-GPS/ GLONASS. There is WPC standard-based wireless charging support. Also, the Galaxy Watch is compatible with devices running at least Android 5.0 or the iPhone 5 and later based on iOS 9.0.
The Samsung Galaxy Watch 42mm variant has a 1.2-inch Super AMOLED display with 360x360 pixels resolution and a 270mAh battery. It measures 41.9x45.7x12.7mm, weighs 49 grams, and supports 22mm interchangeable straps. In contrast, the Galaxy Watch 46mm features a 1.3-inch Super AMOLED display along with a 360x360 pixels resolution and packs a 472mAh battery. It measures 46x49x13mm, weighs 63 grams, and supports a 22mm interchangeable straps.
Editor's Note: A previous version of this article incorrectly claimed the Galaxy Watch model launched in India included LTE support. The error is regretted.
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