Realme Watch was launched in India by the company on Monday featuring a colour display and 2.5D curved glass. The smartwatch currently has 12 preloaded watch faces but is expected to get more than 100 later on. The company has provided the Realme device with several health and fitness related features including a heart rate sensor. Realme has always been compared to Xiaomi. When it comes to smartwatches, Xiaomi has got its Mi Watch that was launched in November last year. Let's see how both the smartwatches stack up against each other.
Realme Watch is priced at Rs. 3,999. The wrist strap designs will be available separately in Red, Blue, and Green colour options for Rs. 499 each. On the other hand, the Mi Watch is much more expensive at CNY 1,299 (roughly Rs. 13,700). The price of its premium variant is CNY 1,999 (roughly Rs. 21,100). However, these for the Mi Watch are the prices in China and the watch is yet to launch in India. Colour options on the watch include Silver and Black.
Realme Watch features a 1.4-inch 320x320 pixels touchscreen display with 2.5D Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. There is a three-axis accelerometer and a PPG sensor on the smartwatch. It comes with an IP68-certified build that has dust and water resistance.
On the Mi Watch, there is a 1.78-inch 368x448 pixels AMOLED touchscreen with 326ppi. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 3100 SoC. It comes with a six-axis sensor, heart rate sensor, GPS support, compass, and barometer on the watch. It is also water and swim-proof.
Realme Watch comes with a 160mAh battery that is claimed to deliver seven days of usage when the heart rate monitor is enabled (nine-day battery life with disabled). The smartwatch by Realme supports Bluetooth v5.0 connectivity and is compatible with Android 5.0 Lollipop or above — using the Realme Link app. There is no SIM card support on Realme Watch.
Mi Watch packs a 570mAh battery. The company claims it will last up to 36 hours on a single charge. There is support for dual-SIM cellular connectivity via eSIM. The smartwatch also includes Wi-Fi connectivity, Bluetooth, and NFC support.
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