Motorola has launched its new Stream wireless in-ear headphones, making them available first in the UK at GBP 79.99 (roughly Rs. 6,650). Notably, unlike most other wireless audio headphones on the market, the new earbuds from Motorola are truly wireless and not even connected to each other with a wire. The Stream wireless earbuds have only been introduced in the UK as of now, and are in fact made by Motorola brand licensee, Binatone.
The Motorola Stream wireless earbuds feature IP54 sweat and water resistance, so users can use these earbuds at the gym, while running, or doing other form of exercises. The wireless in-ear headphones come with a bundled storage case that can also charge the earpieces while on the go. While the earbuds offer 2 hours of battery life with Bluetooth connectivity, with the storage case, they offer a maximum of up to six hours of battery life.
The Stream wireless in-ear headphones feature a 6mm driver and can be used to place and receive calls. Users can also make use of voice commands as the new wireless earphones are compatible with both Google Now and Siri. There are three ear-bud sizes that will come along with the pair of headphones so that users of all age and sizes are able to wear them comfortably.
While the Motorola Stream wireless earbuds are exclusively available through Argos in the UK but the company has said that they will be made available for customers in the US within a month's time, as per a report by The Verge.
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