Xiaomi has launched a new fitness band, the Mi Band 3i in India. The new wearable offers an AMOLED touch display, 5ATM waterproof resistance, up to 20 days of battery life, call and notification alerts, and the usual step and calorie tracking features. The Mi Band 3i is a watered down variant of the Mi Band 3 fitness band launched in India last year. The Mi Band 3i is priced lesser than the Mi Band 3, and at a cheaper price point the Mi Band 3i fitness band lets go of heart-rate monitoring.
The Mi Smart Band 3i is priced in India at Rs. 1,299, and is listed on Mi.com in a single Black colour option. The band is already on sale and estimated delivery is set at 2 to 4 days. To recall, the Mi Band 3 was launched in India in September last year, and was priced at Rs. 1,999. It is currently available for Rs. 1,799 on Mi.com.
There's also the Mi Band 4 available on Mi.com, priced at Rs. 2,299. The latest wearable was launched in September this year, and comes with a colour AMOLED display, and up to 20-days of battery life.
Coming back to the reasonable Mi Band 3i, it sports 0.78-inch (128x80 pixels) Monochrome White AMOLED display with 300 nits brightness and a capacitive touch panel. The band packs a 110mAh Li-polymer battery that is touted to last up to 20-days. It has a two pogo pin charging method and Xiaomi says it takes about 2.5 hours to fully charge the wearable. The Mi Band 3i supports Bluetooth v4.2 connectivity, and is compatible with phones running on Android 4.4 and iOS 9.0 and above. The strap is listed to be made of TPU material, and the Mi Band 3i is listed to be 5ATM water resistant certified.
Features on board include vibrating alarm, call display / rejection, message notifications and viewing, idle alert, phone locator, app notifications (WhatsApp, Instagram, and others), event reminders, and more. The Mi Band 3i pairs with the Mi Fit app to track daily activity and sleep progress. Sports Mode includes tracking of activities like running, walking, cycling, and treadmill. The Mi Band 3i also tracks data on deep sleep, light sleep, and more. It also offers weather forecast for the next three days.
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