Goqii, a domestic fitness technology player, on Monday launched the "RunGPS" smart band which comes with a GPS tracker and integrated with "Marathon Coaching" for Rs. 4,999 in India. The smart band is now available on the Goqii Store and on Amazon India. Targeted at the running community that trains for marathons, treks and other running activities, the company has signed up ace runners and doctors who would offer their expertise to the users under a three-month coaching programme.
"According to the recent edition of 'India Fit Report', running has increased from 22 percent in 2017 to 33 per cent in 2018 among Indians. Goqii 'RunGPS' will aid our players/users to run better towards a healthier lifestyle," Vishal Gondal, Founder and CEO, Goqii, said in a statement.
“Goqii RunGPS will greatly aid our players (users) to run better towards a healthier lifestyle. Running has been known to improve mental and health functions, lowering depression levels, increase stamina, boost immunity and maintain a healthy BMI. Our RunGPS will surely benefit all health enthusiasts,” Gondal added.
Goqii "RunGPS" has six screens that track steps, distance, pace, calories burnt, and heart rate.
The device also tracks activities and sleep, comes with an integrated USB charger that can easily be connected to any power bank, adapter or laptop, the company claimed.
It can be connected wirelessly via Bluetooth to the Goqii iOS and Android app.
According to the company, the purchase of Goqii RunGPS will also give the consumers access to Goqii Play, Goqii Health store, and Goqii Arena.
Written with inputs from IANS
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