Mi TV 4A and Mi TV 4C Pro prices have been slashed in India, Xiaomi announced on Tuesday. The latest price-cuts are a result of the recent reduction in the GST rate - from 28 percent to 18 percent on TVs up to 32 inches. With the latest development, the Mi TV 4A 32 price has gone down by Rs. 1,500, whereas the Mi TV 4C Pro 32 gets Rs. 2,000 cheaper. The company also noted that the recent US dollar moderation had helped it reduce the price of the Mi LED TV 4A Pro 49 model by Rs. 1,000.
As per the announcement, the Mi TV 4A 32, which was previously listed at Rs. 13,999, will now be available with a price tag of Rs. 12,499. This shows a price drop of Rs. 1,500. The MRP of the Mi TV 4A 32 has also been dropped from Rs. 15,999 to Rs. 14,499.
The Mi TV 4C Pro 32 price, on the other hand, has been reduced from Rs. 15,999 to Rs. 13,999. This reflects a price drop of Rs. 2,000. Further, the MRP of the Mi TV 4C Pro 32 has been slashed from Rs. 16,999 to Rs. 14,999.
Xiaomi has listed the Mi TV 4A 32 and Mi TV 4C Pro 32 with new prices on Mi.com.
The fresh price drop is essentially an outcome of the recent decision by the GST Council in India, under which the GST rate of TVs and monitors up to 32 inches was dropped from 28 percent to 18 percent.
Notably, Xiaomi last month hiked the prices of the Mi TV 4C Pro 32 and Mi TV 4A Pro 49 by Rs. 1,000 and Rs. 2,000, respectively. The Chinese company had also increased the prices of the Redmi 6A and Redmi 6.
Xiaomi also revealed in a press statement on Tuesday that the Mi TV 4A Pro 49, which was earlier sold at Rs. 31,999, has now received a price drop of Rs. 1,000 due to the recent US dollar moderation. The TV model is currently available at Rs. 30,999.
"We are thrilled to share this wonderful news with our Mi Fans," said Raghu Reddy, Head of Categories and Online Sales, Xiaomi India, in the statement. "Mi TVs have gained massive love and popularity among Mi Fans and customers in India. Redefining smart TV experience, Mi TVs deliver high quality with great specs comprising of the customized PatchWall which integrates the best of content.
"All of this is available to Mi Fans at a truly honest pricing with consistent, incredible experience across all Mi TV models. This eventually led us to become the number 1 smart TV brand in India with Mi TVs crossing over a million sales mark in merely nine months since their launch this year."
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