Sennheiser has launched two new headphone series for “everyday listening” in India. The HD 4 series includes the HD 4.20s, HD 4.30i, and HD 4.30G headphones whose prices range from Rs. 5,990 to Rs. 7,990. The HD 2 series includes the HD 2.10, HD 2.20s, HD 2.30i and HD 2.30G. Prices for this series range from Rs. 3,990 to Rs. 6,990.
The HD 4 and HD 2 series are designed to be portable while still maintaining a level of ambient noise isolation. The HD 4 series feature bass-driven acoustics with leatherette ear pads and a foldable headband for easy storage. The headphone features a single-sided cable and an in-line microphone. The HD 4.30i and HD 4.30G are optimised for Apple and Android devices respectively. Both models feature a 3-button in-line remote for controlling music and answering calls. The headphones are powered 32mm drivers with emphasis on good bass performance.
The HD 2 series is re-imagining of the company’s highly popular PX 100, PX 200 and HD 200 series. The HD 2.10 is the introductory model which features a compact and foldable design. This is priced at Rs. 3,990. The HD 2.20s also boasts of a compact, lightweight construction with an in-line microphone and twin drivers for better bass response. This model is priced at Rs. 4,990. Finally, the HD 2.30i and HD 2.30G are designed for Apple and Android devices respectively which features a foldable design, single-sided chord, and a 3-button in-line microphone.
Commenting on the launch Kapil Gulati, Director, Consumer Segment, Sennheiser India, said “We are very excited to unveil two new range of portable headphones which are a perfect combination of performance, comfort and dependable build quality. The new HD 2 and HD 4 headphones are everyday audio heroes that can considerably enhance your mobile listening experience.”
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