Micromax subsidiary Yu Televentures on Wednesday launched the Yu Yuphoria Smart TV in India. The new TV comes with a 40-inch full-HD display panel and is powered by a quad-core processor. There is also an Android-based operating system that offers app access via pre-installed Aptoide app store. The Yu Yuphoria Smart TV additionally has the features to let users cast the content directly from their smartphone or us the Mobile High-Definition Link (MHL) interface to connect their mobile devices with the large screen. Micromax has tied up with Amazon India to start selling the Yu Yuphoria TV in the country. Notably, while this is the company's first television under the Yu brand, but it has been selling TVs under the Micromax brand for a while.
The Yu Yuphoria Smart TV price in India has been set at Rs. 18,499. It is already available for purchase through Amazon.in. The online marketplace is also offering an exchange offer to give up to Rs. 7,200 discount in lieu of your old TV.
The Yu Yuphoria Smart TV features a 40-inch full-HD (1920x1080 pixels) display that has a contrast ratio of 5000:1 and refresh rate of 60Hz. Under the hood, there is a quad-core processor that is coupled with a dual-core graphics coprocessor. The TV runs an Android-based platform that supports apps via the Aptoide app store. Users can also leverage the preloaded Wireless Smartphone Control feature to control the TV with their smartphone. Likewise, there is the Airplay feature that is claimed to establish a connection with Apple devices for sharing media content wirelessly. There is also the option to mirror the smartphone screen to the TV. There is also MHL support to provide wired connectivity with compatible smartphones.
In terms of ports, the Yu Yuphoria Smart TV has three HDMI ports, two USB ports, and a VGA port. The TV also has 24W audio output and includes Wi-Fi support.
"With the launch of the Yu Smart TV, we are extremely excited to enter the consumer electronics space under Yu for the first time," said Rajesh Agarwal, co-founder, Micromax Informatics, in a press statement. "This entry is a testament of our larger strategy of becoming a full-fledged consumer electronics brand. At Micromax, we have always stood for democratizing technology for the masses and that is exactly the aim with which we constantly innovate and create products that truly understand the evolving needs of our consumers. Yu, being an extension of our beliefs, has envisioned to empower users to enable them to do more with technology than they thought possible."
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