LeEco on Thursday launched its newest range of Super 4 Series Smart TVs for the Indian market. The new TVs are offered in 40-inch, 43-inch, and 50-inch models and are exclusively being sold on Amazon India. One of the main highlights is that the Smart TVs run Android 6.0 Marshmallow OS. The new TVs are priced at Rs. 46,990 for the 40-inch model, Rs. 63,990 for the 43-inch model and Rs. 86,990 for the 50-inch model.
The the 40-inch LeEco Super4 X40 TV comes with full-HD (1920x1080 pixels) LED display while the Super4 X43 Pro and Super4 X50 Pro are equipped with 4K UHD (3840x2160 pixels) displays. The company boasts of super slim design for the TVs with thin aluminium bezels all around. The smallest variant comes at 7.9mm thickness going up to 9.9mm for the 50-inch model. Additionally, the top-end variant also gets a Harmon Kardon audio system that promises an immersive experience.
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The LeEco Super 4 Series Smart TVs are powered by a 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex CRM processor and multi-core ARM Mali GPU coupled with 3GB of DDR3 RAM. The 40-inch and 43-inch models feature 16GB of flash storage while the biggest variant gets 32GB of storage for storing Android applications.
The Smart TVs naturally feature Wi-Fi connectivity as well as Bluetooth 4.1 along with 2 HDMI ports and 3 x 2 USB on the top and sides. As earlier mentioned, the new LeEco Super 4 Series Smart TVs run Android Marshmallow with EUI 5.8 on top. Additional features include Bluelight filter, gesture control, Google voice search, among other things.
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