Canon India on Wednesday brought to India its portable and lightweight Rayo Mini projectors that can playback directly from mobile phones or tablets. The two flagship models, Rayo i5 and Rayo R4, are priced at Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 50,000, respectively. The Canon Rayo R4 weighs 169 grams while Rayo i5 weighs 260 grams.
"We have witnessed a shift in the usage pattern of projectors among Indian consumers which has led us to diversify in this space, launching a product that lets users screen where they want," Kazutada Kobayashi, President and CEO, Canon India, said in a statement.
"With this defined and unique expansion to our portfolio, we foresee further development of our customer base in the country," he added. The wireless functionality in the projectors means users can play movies or share content from their latest Android/iOS devices easily through Mirroring/ DLNA technology. Both the projectors come with a mini-tripod to provide users right angle for viewing.
The Canon Rayo i5 has 1900mAh battery which has a play time of upto 120 minutes at standard brightness. On the other hand, the Rayo R4 has a 1700mAh battery that can play for up to 150 minutes at standard brightness. The LED light source lasts up to 20,000 hours on the Rayo i5 and 10,000 hours on the Rayo R4, the company claimed.
"The easy setup and versatility of the mini projectors make them a must have travel accessory particularly for the mobile business professionals and for families on vacation or those using them for leisure," said K Bhaskhar, Vice-President, Business Imaging Solutions, Canon India.
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