Vodafone India on Tuesday announced that customers in Mumbai can now avail 4GB of 4G data on 4G handsets when they upgrade to a 4G SIM card on a 4G handset. It is a one-time offer available for existing Vodafone subscribers after they upgrade across Mumbai. It comes as a counter against the Reliance Jio Dhan Dhana Dhan offer and free services till June, and aims to lure more customers towards its own 4G network. The new Vodafone 4G SIM cards can be availed from Vodafone Stores, Vodafone Mini Stores, besides multi-brand outlets across Mumbai.
Recently, the new entrant Reliance Jio stirred up the telecom industry in India that has led to other major telcos to churn out more resources to tackle it. Vodafone is essentially giving free 4GB 4G data only to customers who own 4G handsets and upgrade their SIM to experience Vodafone's 4G network. The company has been making similar moves since last year.
While Vodafone prepaid customers can enjoy this one-time offer with 4G free data for a period of 10 days, postpaid customers will receive same 4GB data till the next billing date of their connection. The 4GB free data shall be added to the customer's data balance on upgrading to the Vodafone 4G SIM card.
Announcing the upgrade offer for new customers, Pushpinder Singh Gujral, Business Head - Mumbai, Vodafone India said, "Vodafone is proud to be the preferred telecom services provider to over 9 million customers in Mumbai. We are offering 4GB data free for our customers to experience the benefits of our Data Strong Network and enjoy unparalleled mobile internet services."
In other news, Vodafone recently announced a merger with country's third largest telecom company Idea Cellular to form a new entity. The merger is expected to be implemented within a course of two years, post which the newly formed entity will be the largest one in the telecom sector of this country.
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