In a bid to combat Reliance Jio competition, Vodafone India has introduced a fresh offer for new customers. The company has launched a new First Recharge Coupon (FRC) 244 plan for its new 4G prepaid customers, offering 1GB of 4G data per day for 70 days at Rs. 244.
This plan is only for new customers who have a new 4G Vodafone prepaid SIM card. This FRC 244 plan offers 70GB of 4G data, with 1GB per day cap, and unlimited calls (local and STD) within the Vodafone network. The price of this pack may also vary slightly depending on the region you are in, and this 70 day validity is only available for the first recharge. From the second recharge onwards, validity will be at 35 days.
For old customers, Vodafone is offering all the similar benefits with 56 days of validity for Rs. 346 only. It is also offering unlimited voice calling to any network, but there's a catch. Voice calls will be limited to 300 minutes per day and 1,200 minutes per week in this plan. To compare, the Rs. 309 plan from Jio offers 1GB per day 4G data (after which the speed reduces to 128kbps), unlimited voice calls to any network - be it local, STD, or roaming.
The Rs. 244 FRC plan is lucrative for new users, but as mentioned, it is a one-time offer only. The next time the Vodafone prepaid users recharge, their plan's validity decreases to just 35 days. If you're a new 4G Vodafone prepaid user, head to the MyVodafone app to find the FRC plan and take advantage of it.
Reliance Jio has also revised its prepaid and postpaid plans offering Dhan Dhana Dhan benefits with the Rs. 399 prepaid plan. Check out all the plans here.
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