Vodafone Idea (Vi) has rolled out new prepaid plans for the users. The telecom company has also reportedly reduced tariffs in its postpaid segment. The telco has introduced two unlimited calling plans with a validity period of 365 days or a year, priced at Rs. 2,999 and Rs. 2,899. The Rs. 2,999 plan comes with 850GB of 4G data connectivity, unlimited voice calls, SMS benefits and much more. The plan also offers unlimited night data access from 12 am to 6 am at no extra cost as part of Vi's Binge All Night benefit.
Vi's Rs. 2,999 prepaid plan comes with 850GB data, unlimited voice calling, and 100 SMS per day — all for a validity of 365 days for prepaid subscribers. In addition to this, the users will also be getting unlimited night data without limits from 12 am to 6 am. This means, users can surf, stream and do a lot more on internet between these hours without paying any extra cost, as part of the Vi's Binge All Night benefit.
Vi also offers other yearly prepaid plans. The Rs. 2,899 prepaid plan offers 1.5GB daily data benefit with a validity of 365 days validity. Other benefits in this plan remains the same as the Rs. 2999 prepaid plan. Subscribers will also get weekend data rollover and up to 2GB of backup data every month at no extra cost.
Apart from these two, there is a Rs. 3,099 prepaid recharge plan that offers 2GB data access per day with additional Vi Hero benefits, 1 year of Disney+ Hotstar mobile subscription and other benefits for a period of 365 days.
Vi, which has been bringing several new plans and tariffs to improve its customer base, has recently introduced four new international roaming (IR) packs exclusively for the ongoing FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar. These roaming recharge packs come with data connectivity, outgoing calls to India, SMS and other benefits. The plans can be used in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
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