Tata Sky SD and HD set-top boxes (STB) had seen a price reduction in India during Diwali. Now, the prices have been revised once again, and an increase of up to Rs. 300 now reflects on the DTH operator's site. After the last price cut, the SD set-top-box was priced at Rs. 1,099 and the HD set-top box was priced at Rs. 1,299. Now, the prices have been increased, and the Tata Sky is now offering the SD set-top box price at Rs. 1,399 and the HD set-top box price at Rs. 1,499.
The SD set-top box has seen a price rise of Rs. 300, while the HD set-top box has gotten a price rise of Rs. 200. Interestingly, the price difference between the SD set-top box and the HD set-top box is just Rs. 100, and this could be to increase HD content consumption among subscribers. This new price of Rs. 1,399 and Rs. 1,499 for the SD set-top box and the HD set-top box, respectively, is similar to the price cut introduced in July. The company has made multiple revisions to the price of its set-top boxes, but this is the first reported time it has increased the prices. Tata Sky new set-top box prices are reflecting on the website, and they were first reported by Telecom Talk.
Apart from the SD and HD set-top boxes, Tata Sky is also offering the Tata Sky 4K set-top box at Rs. 6,400 and the Tata Sky HD Box+ Recorder at Rs. 9,300. Recently, Tata Sky was also reported to be working on an Android-powered set-top box. It is tipped to be called Tata Sky Binge+ and it should compete with Airtel Xstream Box and Dish SMRT Hub in the market. The set-top box was expected to launch on December 16 this month, but that didn't happen.
Tata Sky HD, SD Set-Top Box Price in India Cut Again, Now Starts at Rs. 1,099
Tata Sky HD, SD Set-Top Box Price in India Cut in July This Year
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