Fixed broadband download speeds in India have gone up significantly has it now ranks 67th, up from 76th in November, as per February data from Ookla's Speedtest Global Index. However, the country is still at the 109th in terms of mobile Internet speeds, globally. As per the report, India's performance in fixed broadband download speeds has gone up from average speeds of 18.82Mbps in November 2017 to 20.72Mbps in February 2018.
"India had reported most improvement in fixed broadband download speeds among the world's most populous countries. The country captured the second slot in terms of showing the most improvement in mobile data speeds," Ookla said in a release announcing the results. It added, "While India's rank in terms of mobile Internet download speed remains same at 109th but average download speeds have risen to 9.01Mbps in February from 8.80Mbps in November last year."
Meanwhile, according to the index, Norway was at the pole position in the world for mobile Internet with an average download speed of 62.07Mbps. The global average download speed was 22.16Mbps. When it comes to India, it still lags behind a neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka. Additionally, in terms of fixed broadband speeds, Singapore took the top spot a 161.53Mbps average download speed. For fixed broadband speeds, the global average was recorded as 42.71Mbps.
Ookla's Speedtest Global Index compares Internet speed data from around the world via 7,021 servers, out of which 439 are present in India.
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