Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) on Tuesday launched a "Christmas Offer" for its new prepaid subscribers in Delhi and Mumbai circles. Under the new offer, the state-owned telco is giving unlimited data access for 60 days. The operator isn't bundling any voice call or SMS message benefits with the new offer. Also, the data speeds will be limited since MTNL is yet to bring 4G services and is so far operating on 2G and 3G networks in both Delhi and Mumbai circles.
The Christmas offer by MTNL is valid only for the prepaid connections booked between December 25, 2018, and January 31, 2019, as announced by MTNL's official Twitter account on Tuesday. The unlimited data benefits will be provided for 60 days from the date of activation. Also, as we mentioned, the offer doesn't bring any voice call or SMS message benefits.
To avail the benefits of the Christmas Offer, you need to buy a new prepaid MTNL connection. The operator doesn't require any minimum recharge amount to enable unlimited data access for 60 days. However, it is important to note that the operator is presently serving only 2G and 3G networks in both Delhi and Mumbai circles.
Notably, the minimum download speed on the 2G MTNL network is 20Kbps, while for 3G it boosts to 256Kbps. As highlighted on the MTNL Mumbai's official website, the speed is subject to various factors, including the number of subscribers accessing data simultaneously, low coverage area, and location of the customers among others.
You can pick the new MTNL prepaid connections from your nearby Sanchar Haat or an authorised retailer. Once purchased, you need to activate the SIM card before January 31 to avail the new offer.
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