Jio has launched True 5G services in Bengaluru and Hyderabad on Thursday, November 10. The update comes almost a month after the country's largest telecom operator announced the beta launch of Jio True-5G services in select cities on the occasion of Dussehra. These cities were Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Varanasi. Later, Jio launched its 5G services at Nathdwara in Rajasthan. To avail the services in Bengaluru and Hyderabad, the Jio users will have to wait to get an invite for 'Jio Welcome Offer'.
The invited will experience unlimited data at up to 1 Gbps+ speed. Just like the previous announcements, this launch also comes at no additional cost.
"Jio True-5G, in these two tech-centric cities, would help realise the true potential of some of the latest technologies that will serve humanity and improve the quality of life of Indians," read an official statement from the company at the time of launch.
Jio has also announced that the True 5G services will be rolling out in India in a phase-wise manner.
Previously, Jio launched the 5G services in six cities across India. While five of these received the rollout on the occasion of Dussehra, the company launched the services in Nathdwara before Diwali in the presence of Akash Ambani.
According to the India's top telco company, users who are using Jio True 5G are able to access high speeds between 500 Mbps to 1 Gbps on their smartphones.
The telecom company also emphasised that it has the largest and the best mix of 5G spectrum across 700 MHz, 3500 MHz, and 26 GHz bands.
However, Jio has not announced any data for rolling out True 5G data to all cities in India.
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