Vodafone has launched a new Rs. 255 recharge pack for prepaid users in various circles in an effort to take on the new recharge packs by rivals Jio and Airtel. Fast-growing operator Jio recently announced a new Rs. 251 IPL 2018 recharge with 2GB data per day and validity of 51 days, which was followed by Airtel launching a similar Rs. 248 pack. With the Rs. 255 recharge, Vodafone will be better positioned to take on Jio and Airtel, as it matches the two in terms of daily data allocation.
The Vodafone Rs. 255 pack comes with bundled local and STD calls, free calls on roaming, and 100 SMSes per day, apart from 2GB data per day. The validity of the pack is 28 days, and the bundled calls are limited to 250 minutes a day and 1,000 minutes a week.
However, Vodafone has not released the pack in all circles yet. Only consumers in Mumbai, Delhi-NCR, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra & Goa, UP East, and UP West can purchase the Rs. 255 recharge online. On the other hand, those in Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Assam, Bihar and Jharkhand, Chennai, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal circles will not see the recharge pack at the moment.
As mentioned above, the Jio Rs. 251 recharge for IPL 2018 comes with 2GB data per day, 51-day validity, free calls, 100 SMSes per day, and access to Jio apps. Similarly, the Airtel Rs. 249 recharge pack also has 2GB data per day but validity of 28 days. Subscribers will also get bundled calls, free SMSes and roaming calls, and access to Airtel TV app. Idea — which is in the process of merging with Vodafone — also launched a similar Rs. 249 pack with 2GB daily data allocation, bundled calls, free SMSes and roaming calls, and validity of 28 days.
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