State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has launched a new Rs. 997 prepaid plan in India. The plan is available in all telecom circles and offers 3GB daily data, unlimited voice calling benefits, and a validity of 180 days. The plan also included SMS benefits. This long-term validity plan will compete with Airtel's Rs. 998 prepaid plan and Vodafone and Jio's Rs. 999 prepaid plans. The Jio plan offer 90 days validity while the newly launched BSNL plan offers double validity of 180 days.
Talking about the new BSNL Rs. 997 prepaid plan, it offers unlimited voice calls to any network, including while roaming, even in Mumbai and Delhi circles (with an FUP of 250 minutes per day). The plan also includes 3GB daily high-speed data, and after the FUP is reached, the speed will be reduced to 80Kbps. Additionally, the prepaid recharge brings 100 SMS messages per day. It carries a validity of 180 days. This BSNL plan also provides PRBT benefits for two months. As mentioned, this plan is available in all telecom circles, and the recharge will be available starting November 10 i.e. tomorrow. This new plan was first spotted by Telecom Talk.
Coming to the competition, the Airtel Rs. 998 prepaid recharge offers unlimited voice calling, 300 SMS per 28 days, 12GB of total data benefits, and a validity of 336 days. Vodafone Idea offers the same benefits with its Rs. 999 plan, but offers a validity of 365 days. Jio's Rs. 999 plan, on the other hand, offers 60GB data benefit, unlimited Jio-to-Jio calls, and 100 SMS messages per day, with a validity of 90 days. Jio charges 6 paise per minute for non-Jio calls.
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