Infinix has recently branched out into the laptop category, much like its rivals in the smartphone space, Xiaomi and Realme. With prices starting as low as Rs. 35,999, the company is staying true to its value positioning, and bright colours fit right in with Infinix's smartphones which are aimed at younger buyers. The company is also boasting of a few features that people today look for, such as quick charging. Let's see whether Infinix has found a niche for itself, and whether it can compete not only with well-established PC OEMs but also the new crop of upstarts that are already making waves in India. Here's our full review of the Core i5-based version of new Infinix InBook X1.
The InBook X1 is part of Infinix's first lineup of laptops in India. It has a distinct design and is available in bright red and green colours as well as a more subtle grey. The all-aluminium body is quite sturdy but this isn't the lightest laptop in its category. The 14-inch full-HD non-reflective screen is good for productivity but don't expect very vibrant colours in photos and videos. Infinix has gone with Intel's 10th Gen Core CPUs which are now dated, but the advantage is lower overall price without really giving up too much performance. Neat touches include a physical webcam switch, adjustable keyboard backlighting, and USB Type-C fast charging. The keyboard layout is decent and typing is comofortable. However, the trackpad feels cheap and is a bit difficult to use. Sound quality is good enough for voice calls and dialogue in video. This laptop also runs quite cool and quiet even when stressed with heavy benchmarks. Overall, it's a solid choice that prioritises features over specifications.
Product Name | Price in India |
Infinix InBook X1 Laptop (Windows 11 Home, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Core i3, 10th Gen, Aurora Green, 14 inch) | ₹ 32,990 |
Infinix InBook X1 Laptop (Windows 11 Home, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Core i3, 10th Gen, Noble Red, 14 inch) | ₹ 37,462 |
Infinix InBook X1 Laptop (Windows 11 Home, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, Intel Core i3, 10th Gen, Starfall Grey, 14 inch) | ₹ 37,990 |
Infinix InBook X1 Laptop (Windows 11 Home, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Intel Core i5, 10th Gen, Starfall Grey, 14 inch) | ₹ 41,787 |
Infinix InBook X1 Laptop (Windows 11 Home, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Intel Core i5, 10th Gen, Aurora Green, 14 inch) | ₹ 47,999 |
Infinix InBook X1 Laptop (Windows 11 Home, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Intel Core i5, 10th Gen, Noble Red, 14 inch) | ₹ 47,999 |
Infinix InBook X1 price in India starts from ₹ 37,462. The lowest price of Infinix InBook X1 is ₹ 37,462 at Flipkart on 31st January 2025.
Brand | Infinix |
Model | InBook X1 |
Price in India | ₹37,462 |
Release date | 8th December 2021 |
Model Name | InBook X1 |
Series | InBook X1 |
Dimensions (mm) | 219.50 x 323.50 x 16.30 |
Weight (kg) | 1.48 |
Colours | Aurora Green, Noble Red, Starfall Grey |
Material | Metal |
Operating system | Windows 11 |
Battery Life (up to hours) | 13 |
Battery Capacity (WHR) | 55 |
Size | 14.00-inch |
Resolution | 1920x1080 pixels |
Refresh Rate | 60Hz |
Processor | Intel Core i5 10th Gen 1035G1 |
RAM | 8GB |
Dedicated Graphics | No |
SSD | 512GB |
Wi-Fi standards supported | 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac |
Bluetooth version | 5.1 |
Web Camera | 720p |
Pointer Device | Touchpad |
Backlit Keyboard | Yes |
Touchpad | Yes |
Internal Mic | Yes |
Speakers | 4 Speakers |
Finger Print Sensor | No |
Number of USB Ports | 5 |
USB Ports | 1 x USB 2.0, 2 x USB 3.0 |
HDMI Port | Standard |
Multi Card Slot | 1 Micro SD Card Reader |
Headphone and Mic Combo Jack | Yes |