Samsung launched the Galaxy Tab S6 in India in October 2019 and we liked the tablet when we reviewed it. The Galaxy Tab S6 was a flagship device and was priced quite high at Rs. 59,900 putting it out of the reach of a lot of people. It seems that Samsung has taken note of that and has been working on a Galaxy Tab S6 Lite which should be affordable compared to the Galaxy Tab S6. It seems that the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite is closer to launch since we have already seen leaked renders of the device floating on the Internet. The device was also spotted on a Bluetooth certification site hinting at an imminent launch.
The Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite renders surfaced online and were shared by Android Headlines. True to its Lite branding, the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite looks like a shrunken-down version of the Galaxy Tab S6. The S Pen Stylus is also seen in the leaked render, looking similar to the stylus that shipped with the Galaxy Tab S6. It is possible that this S Pen stylus could have wireless charging but the specifics are unknown.
Separately, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite was also spotted on Bluetooth SIG website. The certification tips that the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite will bear an SM-P615 model number and come with Bluetooth 5.0 certification. That's not all, the tablet was also spotted on Geekbench's website shining some light on its internals. The Geekbench listing tips that the Galaxy Tab S6 Lite will be powered by an Exynos 9611 SoC and is said to have 4GB of RAM. The tablet also scored 346 in single-core tests and 1259 in multi-core tests.
With so many leaks surfacing, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite might be very close to its official launch.
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