In the market for a smart speaker? Here is a list of the latest smart speakers that are priced under Rs. 3,000 and currently available in the Indian market. The list is arranged as per recency of launch, with the newest speaker on top. Besides each speaker you will find its key specifications, which include Colour, Power Requirement, Network Connectivity, and whether it includes a display or touchpad. You can also click on the links for the smart speaker’s full specifications and other models by the same maker.
Did you find what you were looking for? For more options, do check out our other smart speaker pages, including Smart Speakers Under Rs. 5,000, Smart Speakers Under Rs. 10,000, and Smart Speakers Under Rs. 20,000. The Smart Speaker Finder and Compare Smart Speakers pages are also very useful.
Smart Speakers Under 3000 in India | Price in India |
Eufy Genie Smart Speaker | Rs. 1,409 |
Google Home Smart Speaker | Rs. 1,299 |
Amazon Echo Dot (4th Gen) | Rs. 2,749 |
Amazon Echo Flex | Rs. 2,999 |
Skoss SK1000 Smart Speaker | Rs. 999 |