Ground Floor, No-1139, Renu Electronics, Thiruvengadam Nagar, Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu Thanjavur Thiruvengadam Nagar, THANJAVUR, TN, - 613005
Repair Services:
Mobiles, TV, Laptops, Monitors, Refrigerators, Microwave Ovens, Washing Machine, Water Purifiers, Air Conditioners, Projectors, Cameras
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If you are looking for a gadgets, appliance, electronics support center nearby to solve all your device problems, then we have you sorted with this best service center in Thanjavur. RENU ELECTRONICS is one of the best service centers you can visit for all your device related damages be it – mobiles, tv, laptops, monitors, refrigerators, microwave ovens, washing machine, water purifiers, air conditioners, projectors, cameras. We here have updated address, contact number and direction for you to conveniently reach them. you choose to call up take an appointment or just simply drive to the service center using our directions for quick service support for all your gadgets, appliance, electronics.
Disclaimer: We strive to show you the most updated list of service centres and associated contact details, aggregated from companies themselves. If in case any information is found to be incorrect, we request you report it using the “Error or missing information?” prompt on every service centre’s page. You can also visit the company’s website directly to find service centre information.