Scientists in northeast Germany were poised to flip the switch Wednesday
on an experiment they hope will advance the quest for nuclear fusion,
considered a clean and safe form of nuclear power."
Researchers at the
Max Planck Institute in Greifswald planned to inject a tiny amount of
hydrogen and heat it until it becomes a super-hot gas known as plasma,
mimicking conditions inside the sun.
It's part of a world-wide
effort to harness nuclear fusion, a process in which atoms join at
extremely high temperatures and release large amounts of energy.
acknowledge that the technology is probably many decades away, but
argue that - once achieved - it could replace fossil fuels and
conventional nuclear fission reactors.
Construction has already
begun in southern France on ITER, a huge international research reactor
that uses a strong electric current to trap plasma inside a
doughnut-shaped device long enough for fusion to take place. The device,
known as a tokamak, was conceived by Soviet physicists in the 1950s and
is considered fairly easy to build, but extremely difficult to operate.
team in Greifswald, a port city on Germany's Baltic coast, is focused
on a rival technology invented by the American physicist Lyman Spitzer
in 1950. Called a stellarator, the device has the same doughnut shape as
a tokamak but uses a complicated system of magnetic coils to achieve
the same result.
The Greifswald device should be able to keep
plasma in place for much longer than a tokamak, said Thomas Klinger, who
heads the project.
"The stellarator is much calmer," he said in a telephone interview. "It's far harder to build, but easier to operate."
as the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator, or W7-X, the 400-million-euro
($435-million) device was first fired up in December using helium, which
is easier to heat. Helium also has the advantage of "cleaning" any
minute dirt particles left behind during the construction of the device.
Anderson, a professor of physics at the University of Wisconsin who
isn't involved in the project, said the project in Greifswald looks
promising so far.
"The impressive results obtained in the startup
of the machine were remarkable," he said in an email. "This is usually a
difficult and arduous process. The speed with which W7-X became
operational is a testament to the care and quality of the fabrication of
the device and makes a very positive statement about the stellarator
concept itself. W7-X is a truly remarkable achievement and the worldwide
fusion community looks forward to many exciting results."
critics have said the pursuit of nuclear fusion is an expensive waste of
money that could be better spent on other projects, Germany has forged
ahead in funding the Greifswald project, which in the past 20 years has
reached €1.06 billion euros if staff salaries are included. Chancellor
Angela Merkel, who holds a doctorate in physics, is expected to attend
Wednesday's event, which happens to be in her constituency.
the coming years W7-X, which isn't designed to produce any energy
itself, will test many of the extreme conditions such devices will be
subjected to if they are ever to generate power, said John Jelonnek, a
physicists at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany.
team is responsible for a key component of the device, the massive
microwave ovens that will turn hydrogen into plasma, eventually reaching
100 million degrees Celsius (212 million Fahrenheit).
Compared to
nuclear fission, which produces huge amounts of radioactive material
that will be around for thousands of years, the waste from nuclear
fusion would be negligible, he said.
"It's a very clean source of
power, the cleanest you could possibly wish for. We're not doing this
for us, but for our children and grandchildren."