OnePlus Buds Pro 3 true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones have been launched in India. These audio wearables, priced at Rs. 11,999, sport dual drivers which include 11mm woofers and 6mm tweeters. They support up to 50dB of active noise cancellation (ANC), LHDC 5.0 audio codec and dual-device connectivity. Just the earbuds come with an IP55 rating and they support the slide touch control function. The earphones are claimed to have a total battery life of up to 43 hours. All of these features look good on paper but do they hold up performance-wise? Let's explore that in the review below.
The OnePlus Buds Pro 3 has a comfortable in-ear design with silicone tips. The earbuds, with a rounded stem, have a dual-tone finish. The charging case comes with a plastic build which sports a leather texture.
The true wireless stereo (TWS) earphones feature dual drivers which include 11mm woofers and 6m tweeters. They support up to 50dB active noise cancellation (ANC) and spatial audio experience. The touch sensors on the stem of the earbuds allow squeeze and slide functionalities.
The earphones offer users a detailed and rich sound experience. The impact of the dual drivers as well as the LHDC codec on the sound quality is pronounced. The earphones are good for clear, uninterrupted calls and they offer decent ANC support as well.
The battery life of the OnePlus Buds Pro 3 is impressive, with over 20 hours of playback time with LHDC codec and the Smart ANC mode on.
Product Name | Price in India |
OnePlus Buds Pro 3 True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds (Lunar Radiance) | ₹ 11,799 |
OnePlus Buds Pro 3 True Wireless Bluetooth Earbuds (Midnight Opus) | ₹ 11,799 |
OnePlus Buds Pro 3 True Wireless Stereo (TWS) Earphones price in India starts from ₹ 11,799. The lowest price of OnePlus Buds Pro 3 True Wireless Stereo (TWS) Earphones is ₹ 11,799 at Amazon on 5th January 2025.
Brand | OnePlus |
Model | Buds Pro 3 True Wireless Stereo (TWS) Earphones |
Price in India | ₹11,799 |
Release date | 20th August 2024 |
Type | Earphones |
Headphone Type | In-Ear |
Connectivity | True Wireless Stereo (TWS) |
Microphone | Yes |
Driver Size (mm) | 11 |
Number of Drivers | 2 |
Water Resistant | IP55 |
Weight (g) | 5.28 |
Weight With Case (g) | 61.13 |
Noise Reduction (dB) | 50 |
Active Noice Cancellation | Yes |
Bluetooth | Yes |
Bluetooth Version | 5.4 |
Bluetooth Codec Support | SBC, AAC, LHDC |
Bluetooth range (Metres) | 10 |
Charging Port | USB Type-C |
Charging Time (Hrs) | 1.16 |
Battery Life (Hrs) Earpieces Only | 10 |
Battery Life (Hrs) With Case Total | 43 |
Battery Capacity (mAh) Earpieces | 58 |
Battery Capacity (mAh) Case | 566 |