The Flipkart Big Billion Days craziness continues, with huge discounts and special offers on mobile phones from all brands. Amongst this, Huawei's Honor is also offering discounts of up to Rs. 3,000 on its popular smartphones in addition to exchange benefits of up to Rs. 12,000, as well as cash back as part of the Flipkart Big Billion Days sale.
The prospective customers of Honor 7, which is going on sale for the first time on Thursday, can get exchange offers worth up to Rs. 12,000 and 10 percent cash back on select bank cards. The Honor 7 features an aluminium alloy design and sports a 5.2-inch full-HD (1080x1920 pixel) display. It comes powered by the company's own 64-bit octa-core Kirin 935 processor (four Cortex-A53 cores at 2.2GHz + four Cortex-A53 at 1.5GHz) clubbed with 3GB of RAM and Mali-T628 GPU. The Honor 7 ships with a 20-megapixel rear camera.
(Also see: Honor 7 full specifications)
The Flipkart-exclusive smartphone was launched last week carrying a price tag of Rs. 22,999. The company is also extending offers of up to Rs. 14,000 from its associated Honor league partners like Hungama, Freecharge, Coupon Duniya, Yatra, and Cliques.
(Also see: Honor 7 First Impressions)
As part of Flipkart Big Billion Days sale offers, Honor also has discount offer of Rs. 3,000 on Honor 6 Plus (additional exchange benefits up to Rs. 10,000); discount offer of Rs. 2,000 on Honor 6 (plus exchange benefits up to Rs. 6,000); discount offer of Rs. 599 on Honor Holly (plus exchange benefits up to Rs. 2,000); discount offer of Rs. 1,100 on Honor 4X (plus exchange benefits up to Rs. 4,000); discount offer of Rs. 500 on Honor Bee (plus exchange benefits up to Rs. 2,000); and discount of Rs. 1,200 on Honor 4C.
Remember that as part of Thursday's Flipkart Big Billion Days sale you can use cards from Citibank, Standard Chartered or Yes Bank to get additional cash back on Honor phones - and other products - up to Rs. 2,000.
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