OnePlus is set to dazzle its fans in India with the launch of two new devices on February 17. OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G and OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge will be unveiled via a virtual launch event, starting 7PM (IST), on February 17. You can catch the OnePlus 'Double Feature' launch event live on YouTube and the OnePlus website. Today, we'll tell you what you can expect from the launch event.
OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G
OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G is the company's next big smartphone in its Nord CE series lineup. OnePlus says the smartphone offers a premium, fast, and smooth user experience at an affordable price point. OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G comes with a glossy rear design that offers a stunning look in both colorways.
Cameras are super important to the young smartphone users of today. OnePlus Nord CE 2 5G features a more naturally integrated camera module that rises in an elegant curve on the rear of the phone. The smartphone design and camera placement have been designed to look and feel more smooth and natural. The CD ring on the camera module is a fine example of attention to detail.
OnePlus Nord 2 CE 5G is powered by MediaTek Dimensity 900 SoC. The chipset is powerful enough to be your daily driver, letting you do just about anything. The chipset is packed with a ton of AI magic, and is 5G-ready. The smartphone comes with the standard 3.5mm headphone jack, that lets you use your existing wired headphones to enjoy your favourite music.
You can also add up to 1TB of additional storage using the SD card slot. That's not all, the OnePlus Nord 2 CE 5G supports 65W SuperVOOC Fast Charging, letting you charge your phone for a full day's worth of usage in just 15 minutes.
For more details and pricing information, watch the OnePlus launch event live on YouTube at 7PM, on February 17.
OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge
Looking for a smart TV? How about a smarter TV? OnePlus is set to launch the OnePlus TV Y1S and Y1S Edge on February 17. The new range of smart TVs in the company's Y series will feature an immersive display and the company's signature bezel-less design. OnePlus TV Y1S and OnePlus TV Y1S Edge promise a whole new 'smarter' TV viewing experience at an affordable price point.
Both the TV models will come with AI-powered visuals with Gamma Engine, bringing you real-time image quality optimisation so that you can enjoy binge-watching your favourite TV shows and movies with a cinema-quality experience. You can connect OnePlus Buds devices easily with the new smart TV models. You can also seamlessly stay connected to the TVs with your OnePlus Watch. You'll be able to access controls such as turning on and off, Smart Sleep Control, and other useful features.
OnePlus TV Y1s and OnePlus TV Y1S Edge pack all the smart functionality you need from a modern smart TV while delivering a solid performance like no other. To learn more about these new smart TV models and pricing details, watch the live stream on February 17 at 7PM (IST).
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