The company had recently slashed the price of the 16GB variant of the Mi 4i in India to Rs. 10,999 for its Diwali sale. That price was valid only for the sale period, and now Xiaomi India confirmed on Tuesday the handset will now get a permanent price cut of Rs. 1,000. The company said in a tweet, "It's official! Starting 17th Midnight our favourite Mi4i 16GB will be at an all new price of Rs.11,999."
It's worth noting that there is no change in price of the Xiaomi Mi 4i 32GB and it will continue to sell at Rs. 14,999 for now.
(Also see: Moto G 3rd Gen vs. Xiaomi Mi 4i: Which One Should You Buy?)
To recall, Xiaomi Mi 4i was initially launched in India at Rs. 12,999 for the variant with 16GB internal storage (non-expandable). It features a 5-inch full-HD (1080x1920 pixels) OGS Corning IPS display; 441ppi; MIUI 6 based on Android 5.0 Lollipop; a 64-bit octa-core Snapdragon 615 processor; Adreno 405 GPU; 2GB of RAM; a 13-megapixel rear camera with f/2.0 aperture and dual-tone flash; a 5-megapixel front-facing camera; and a 3120mAh battery.
(Also see: Xiaomi - From China's Apple to China's Samsung?)
Xiaomi India had also revealed a new Dark Grey variant of the Mi 4i smartphone for the Indian market. The smartphone was made available initially via the company's own website, This was the first instance when Xiaomi India kicked off sales of a new phone via its own website.
Earlier this month, Xiaomi India announced Mi Protect insurance service for smartphones and tablets bought through the website. The new Mi Protect plan covered accidental and liquid damages.
The Mi Protect plan will be available at Rs. Rs 275 for the Redmi 2 and Redmi 2 Prime smartphones, and at Rs. 499 for the Mi 4 16GB, Mi 4i 16GB, and MiPad.
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