Xiaomi introduced its 20000mAh Mi Power Bank late last year, which was launched in India earlier this year. The Chinese manufacturer on Friday launched an updated version of the 20000mAh Mi Power Bank which is priced at CNY 149 (roughly Rs. 1,451) and is available in White. The new power bank could be Xiaomi's last product for the year, which will go on sale starting December 19.
The new 20000mAh Mi Power Bank is similar to the previous version in terms of look and feel, going with the same ABS plastic body instead of an aluminium body seen in Xiaomi's other power banks. However, there are some changes to the dimensions of the new version. The new power bank measures 135.5x67.6x23.9mm making it more compact but slightly thicker than its predecessor.
On the inside, the 20000mAh Mi Power Bank comes with a high density lithium-polymer batteries with support for Qualcomm Quick Charge 3.0 and two-way fast charging. The power bank offers two USB ports with 5.1V / 3.6A rating for two connected devices and supports 5V/2.4A-9V/2A-12V/1.5A. The power bank will charge most phones, tablets and even supports the latest Apple MacBook.
There is no word yet as to when Xiaomi will launch the new 20000mAh Mi Power Bank globally and in India.
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