Vivo on Friday revealed the discounts and offers that it is set to provide to customers during the 'Vivo Republic Day Sale' on and Flipkart. The sale will run parallel with Amazon's Great Indian Sale as well as Flipkart's Republic Day Sale. The Vivo V9 Pro is eligible for a discount during the sale, while models such as the Vivo Nex, V11 Pro, Y83 Pro, and Y91 are set to receive exchange offers. There will also be no-cost EMI options on a range of Vivo phones.
Among other deals during the Vivo Republic Day Sale, the Vivo V9 Pro 4GB RAM variant that was launched at Rs. 15,990 will be available on Flipkart with a limited period discount of Rs. 2,000. This means the handset will be available for purchase at Rs. 13,990. Also, there will an additional exchange discount of Rs. 1,000.
The Vivo V9 Pro 6GB RAM, on the other hand, will be available on at Rs. 15,990, down from the launch price of Rs. 17,990. The model will also get an additional Rs. 5,000 exchange discount.
Vivo will also bring the Nex with an additional exchange discount of Rs. 5,000 on alongside offering no-cost EMI options for up to 18 months. Similarly, the Vivo V11 Pro will get an additional exchange discount of Rs. 3,000 on both and Flipkart along with no-cost EMI options for up to 18 months.
Both the Vivo V11 and Vivo Y83 Pro will be available for purchase through and Flipkart during the sale with the same additional exchange discount of Rs. 3,000. The handsets will also get no-cost EMI options.
Further, the Vivo Y95, Y93 4GB RAM and Y93 3GB RAM variants, and Y81 3GB RAM variant will be available with an additional exchange discount of Rs. 2,000 on both and Flipkart. The Vivo Y91 will be available through and Flipkart with a additional exchange discount of Rs. 1,000. There will also be no-cost EMI options on all these affordable models as well.
The Vivo Republic Day Sale will be held on Amazon between January 20 and January 23, whereas it will go live on Flipkart from January 20 to January 22. Amazon Prime members will get 12-hour early access from 12 noon on January 19, while Flipkart Plus members will get early access starting 8 pm on January 19.
Customers using HDFC Cards on and SBI credit card on Flipkart during the Vivo sale will receive a 10 percent instant discount. All this is in line with Amazon's Great Indian Sale and Flipkart's Republic Day Sale.
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