Vivo India on Wednesday announced its partnership with Cashify to launch the 'Vivo Xchange' programme. The new trade-in programme is designed to let customers upgrade to a new Vivo smartphone in lieu of their old phones. It works for both existing Vivo customers as well as new customers looking to buy a new Vivo phone. As an introductory offer, customers exchanging their old phones to upgrade to a new Vivo model between January 16 and January 19 will receive an additional Rs. 1,000 bump-up exchange.
You need to visit the Vivo e-Store to initiate the exchange process for your old phone. After that, click on the check availability option to know whether the exchange offer is applicable in your city. The online store will provide you with the exchange quote for your old smartphone. You can then accept the quote and place the order for your Vivo smartphone.
Once you're done with your order on the Vivo e-Store, the Cashify team will schedule the pickup of your old device and then arrange its instant payment, as per the quote agreed earlier.
"Under this partnership, customers can now seamlessly exchange their old phones and upgrade to a brand new Vivo smartphone of their choice," said Jerome Chen, Senior VP, Vivo India, in a statement. "We are pleased to partner with as the exclusive buy back partner for Vivo, in India."
Back in November 2017, Xiaomi tied up with Cashify to kick off its smartphone exchange programme. Samsung also partnered with the Gurugram-based startup in late 2017 to offer buyback offers on select Galaxy-series models.
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