Sony decided to cheer up its Xperia T users with a Christmas surprise. The company has rolled out the Jelly Bean update for the device months ahead of its official schedule. The Xperia T is now officially running on Android 4.1.2 for many users across the world. Though the reach is still limited, it is expected to hit all devices in the coming days or weeks.
As an owner of the Xperia T LT30p/Xperia TL LT30at, we'd recommend you to manually check by heading to Settings>About Phone>System updates and check whether or not you're device is ready to be updated.
The news of the update was first spotted on a Vietnamese site
SonyViet that mentions improved battery life, faster UI and some major benefits of Project Butter. The new firmware reportedly lands on the international version of the device as version 9.1.A.0.420, while being pushed to AT&T's model with build number 9.1.F.1.64.
As per the images posted by SonyViet, it seems there will now be 7 home screens instead of 5 along with a new Lock Screen as well.The firmware is indicative of various elements like Google Now and enhanced notifications too.
Last week we
reported that Sony had announced the official list of Xperia smartphones entitled to receive a Jelly Bean update, mentioning the Xperia T, Xperia TX and Xperia V to be the first in line. It had also stated the update would reach users somewhere during February and March.
Does this mean that Sony might just roll out the update for another smartphone or two from the Xperia range much before than the original launch schedule? Well, New Year's eve would be a good start if Sony can pull this off.
As per the schedule, other Xperia smartphones such as the Sony Xperia P, Sony Xperia J, Sony Xperia go will receive the Android 4.1 upgrade "from the end of March". These will be followed by Sony Xperia S, Sony Xperia SL, Sony Xperia ion and Sony acro S, which "will follow in the subsequent weeks".
The company also confirmed that Sony Xperia U, Sony Xperia miro, Sony Xperia tipo and Sony Xperia sola will not be receiving Android 4.1 or subsequent upgrades.
Image Courtesy: SonyViet