Samsung recently launched the Pink Gold colour variant of its smartphone Galaxy S7 Edge in India. Now, the South Korean company has brought the Black Pearl colour variant of the smartphone to the country. Even though Samsung kept the pricing of the phone unchanged at Rs. 50,900 for the Pink Gold variant, it has decided to charge a premium for the Black Pearl variant of the phone at Rs. 56,900.
The Black Pearl colour variant of Galaxy S7 Edge comes with improved internal storage (128GB), compared to 32GB available in other colours. Just like they could with the Pink Gold variant, users can pay Rs. 2,980 and get the Gear VR headset as well as a screen replacement offer from the company. Samsung says that shipments for the Black Pearl variant of the phone will start from December 30.
Notably, a Blue Coral colour variant of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge was also made available in India earlier this month. After the latest addition, the Galaxy S7 Edge is now available in Black Onyx, Blue Coral, Gold Platinum, Pink Gold, Silver Titanium, and Black Pearl colour variants in the country.
In terms of specifications, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge features a 5.5-inch Super Amoled display with QHD (1440x2560 pixels) resolution. The phone is powered by an octa-core Exynos 8890 SoC coupled with 4GB of RAM.
The always-on display on the Galaxy S7 Edge allows users to check notifications, time, and date without waking up the device. The phone features a 12-megapixel 'Dual Pixel' rear camera with an f/1.7 aperture and smart OIS feature, as well as a 5-megapixel front camera with f/1.7 aperture. The phone has an IP68 rating for dust and water resistance. The Galaxy S7 Edge houses a 3600mAh battery.
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