Samsung is said to be working on a new 'P' series, scheduled to launch in China first. The first phone in this series is expected to sport an in-display fingerprint scanner, and now a new report reveals that the first P series devices may be called the Galaxy P30 and Galaxy P30+. A fresh report reveals that the devices may come in multiple colour options and two storage variants. The new Galaxy P30 and Galaxy P30+ smartphones are also expected to integrate the company's in-house mobile GPUs as well, to reduce reliance on Imagination Technologies - the company that offers PowerVR range of GPUs for mobile devices.
According to Sammobile's sources, the Samsung Galaxy P30 will be launched in 64GB and 128GB storage models, and be available in four colour options - Blue, Pink, Black and Red colours. The Samsung Galaxy P30 will sport a gradient design format, but the base colour will be the above mentioned options. The report states that there will be a Galaxy P30+ variant as well that will sport an in-display fingerprint sensor. Both the variants are expected to launch before the end of this year.
The 'P' series is expected to cater to the mid-range segment, and the phones may also be powered by the Exynos processors, and sport 3GB to 4GB of RAM. There could be a possibility of dual cameras at the back, given the trend in the competitive mid-range segment, but this is pure speculation at this point.
Samsung recently also launched the Galaxy A7 (2018) in India with a triple camera setup and a side-mounted fingerprint sensor. It is also said to be working on a smartphone with four rear cameras on the back.
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