Samsung Galaxy Fold launched in India earlier this week, and now, a YouTuber has uploaded a fresh durability test of the foldable smartphone. To recap, it has been a rather turbulent ride for the foldable smartphone as it was first launched only to be recalled back by Samsung due to durability issues regarding the device's screen and its hinge. Nevertheless, Samsung made improvements to the original model and the Galaxy Fold has been re-released in the market. But still, there are some looming questions - is the foldable smartphone durable enough for daily usage? Will this premium smartphone survive the test of time?
Well, according to a video by Square Trade, it looks like Samsung did make some big improvements to the Galaxy Fold, but the device is still fragile and one little mistake can make the foldable smartphone a fancy paperweight. Folks at Square Trade designed an automatic folding device that simulated the rapid folding and unfolding process of the Galaxy Fold, and the results were not so great after all. Samsung claims an average use of 3 years of ownership will result in up to 120,000 folds. But, according to the durability test, a pixel blob appeared on the display after just 18,500 folds. Moving on, at 40,000 folds the device's touchscreen appeared to malfunction, but it did start functioning normally once it was left to rest and recharge overnight.
After that, the Galaxy Fold was tested all the way up to 120,000 folds, which resulted in a permanent pixel blob and a deteriorated hinge action, but the smartphone did function normally. So, to take it a step further, a drop test was done on the device, and right after being dropped once in its included case resulted in the Galaxy Fold being unusable. Now, this doesn't sound good considering the high price-tag (Rs. 1,64,999) the Galaxy Fold comes with.
Before this test had happened, the re-released Galaxy Fold's durability was also tested by famous YouTube channel Jerry Rig Everything. In that video, it can be clearly seen that while the smartphone did survive bend and flame testing, the device badly failed scratch and sand tests. You can read our full report here.
The Samsung Galaxy Fold has been launched in India at an exorbitant price of Rs. 1,64,999 for the lone 12GB RAM + 512GB storage variant. Pre-booking starts from October 4 and the device will start shipping starting October 20.
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