Xiaomi India has announced limited period discounts and offers on the purchase of several of its smartphones in the offline market. The Redmi Y2, Redmi Note 5 Pro, Mi A2, and Mi Mix 2 will be sold for a discount of up to Rs. 3,000. Additionally, users can avail cashback on Paytm Mall as well as when paying with SBI cards. Gadgets 360 has learnt that the Poco F1 and several other Xiaomi phones can also be bought offline with no cost EMI plans. Additionally, information shared with us reveals that the offer period is between October 18, 2018 and November 7, 2018.
To start off, the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro's base 4GB RAM/ 64GB storage variant and 6GB RAM, 64GB storage variant will get a discount of Rs. 2,000. The selfie-focused Redmi Y2 also gets a discount of Rs. 2,000 as well, as does the Mi A2. Lastly, the premium Mi Mix 2 gets a Rs. 3,000 price cut.
Apart from these instant discounts, buyers can avail a Paytm Mall cashback of up to Rs. 500 on purchase of up to Rs. 10,000 and a cashback of Rs. 1,000 when buying Xiaomi smartphones priced above Rs. 10,000. Users with SBI cards can avail a flat Rs. 500 cashback on a minimum purchase of Rs. 8,000, valid only when buying Xiaomi's smartphones.
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