Redmi A1 is teased to be launched in India in the company's ‘Diwali With Mi' launch announcement via Twitter. The phone was earlier spotted on several certifications websites as well as a benchmarking site. According to a report, the Redmi A1 could be powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 SoC. It is tipped to carry the codename Ice. The handset was spotted on the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) database with a slightly different model number than its US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) listing.
The Beijing-based smartphone brand has shared via Twitter that the company will soon be unveiling products in India as part of its ‘Diwali With Mi' launches. In the post, Redmi said, “P.S. Just like yesterday's match, we are ready to knock it out of the park with our A1 all-rounders.” Since, the term “A1 all-rounders” are in block italics, it suggests that Redmi A1 could be part of the ‘Diwali With Mi' launches.
Let the celebrations begin! 🎊
— Redmi India (@RedmiIndia) August 29, 2022
We are bringing some exciting #DiwaliWithMi launches.
P.S. Just like yesterday's match, we are ready to knock it out of the park with our 𝘼1 𝙖𝙡𝙡-𝙧𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨.
Can you guess what's coming?
However, taking this with a pinch of salt is advisable, as Redmi is yet to reveal the full product line up. Redmi has already announced that it will be unveiling the Redmi 11 Prime 5G in India on September 6, as part of the ‘Diwali With Mi' launches.
According to an earlier report, Redmi A1 has been spotted on multiple certification websites and on the Geekbench benchmarking website. It was spotted on the US FCC database with the model number 220733SL. The listing reportedly suggests that the smartphone will be powered by a MediaTek Helio A22 SoC. It is said to measure about 164.67mm in length and about 76.56mm in width. The Redmi A1 could reportedly support 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity.
The smartphone was also spotted on the TUV Rheinland and BIS India databases, as per the report. The Redmi A1 was listed on the BIS India database with the model number 220733SI, which is slightly different from the ones listed on the US FCC and TUV Rheinland databases. The Geekbench listing of the phone reportedly suggested that it could sport 3GB of RAM, paired with a quad-core SoC.
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